Insane LifeStyle Change

On June 13, 2011, we decided to begin an Insane Lifestyle Change.  Our goal was to become healthier by changing what we eat, what we do, and what we think!  Through this process we have come across information about nutrition, exercise, and stress reduction that has slowly started to change our lives.


Our commitment to an overall healthier lifestyle has brought us this far and continues to drive our daily lives.
We are looking forward to sharing our Insane LifeStyle Change journey on this site!  We will be posting articles and videos on nutrition and exercise.  We will also be sharing some of the recipes that make our journey easier.  And finally, we will be blogging on everything, from how we are feeling and how we are doing, to where we are headed, and what’s being accomplished along the way!!

So sit back, relax, and enjoy our journey!!

It’s all play!
Adamy & Don